NASCAR Racing 3


1998 Craftsman Truck Series (v2)


In only its 4th season, NASCAR's exciting Craftsman Truck Series had one of its best seasons yet. The longest on record at 27 races, 1998 saw Ron Hornaday and Jack Sprague battle to the bitter end, finishing just 3 points apart!!

This set has been pieced together using freshly painted trucks, trucks from the default carset, and extra 1999 trucks painted by Matt Yeager, 'retro-ified' with 1998 decals and manufacturer logos to make a somewhat cohesive set to sit alongside the 1998 Busch and Cup sets out there for a full "50th Anniversary of NASCAR" season for NASCAR 3

This set requires the "Craftsman Truck Series Expansion" for N3


- 37 Trucks rated for the 1998 season

- 3 Player Trucks (Thanks Matt!)

- Customized carshape

- Customized Pace Truck

V2 Update

- Updated truck shape to better reflect 1998 trucks

- Updated manufacturer markings (headlings/grille) to fit new shape

- Updated Pacecar 3do for better LOD

- Updated logos/paint schemes on some cars

- Two new cars (Ron Fellows and Mike Skinner!)


F-Key Relocation

This addon updates the location of the "FKey" menu (F1 - F9) while driving to be in the top left of the screen. This allows cropping of the screen to fit a 16x9 resolution (using DGVoodoo) without hiding the FBox location

There are two downloads, one which contains a full "Layout.dat" file which can be placed in the "N3/Layout" directory (backup your original).

The "Raw Files" version are the specific updated files. These must be placed inside the Layout.dat by unpacking and repacking it. You can use a tool such as winmip2 to do this.

Full Layout.dat:


Raw Files:


Racing N3/NL in "Widescreen"

Using DGVoodoo it is possible to play the older Papyrus sims in "Widescreen"

These are the dgvoodoo.conf settings to change:


DisplayROI                           = 16_9, pos:(0|140)

WindowedAttributes                   = borderless, alwaysontop

FullscreenAttributes                 = fake

"DisplayROI" contains a positioning number "pos:(0|140)", this controls how much of the top or bottom is cut off. The second number (set to 140 here) can be adjusted to move the crop up (decrease) or down (increase). This setting here has it just above the rear-view mirror.

When driving press "Alt+Enter" to move into "Widescreen Mode". Couple this with Lossless Scaling and this sim almost looks a decade newer!